Here is that screen shot:
The thread also has information that the USCG Cutter Hollyhock was observed patrolling off of Monroe Harbor yesterday morning. CG-HOLLYHOCK - MMSI:369932000 (posted by MtnBiker2005 at RadioReference) An extra note says that USCG might have turned off the transponder on Hollyhock.
Here is the NATO Security Transportation Plan PDF File
Under fair use, and giving all credit to CARMA and RadioReference for their work on this, here is the most useful information in print just so no one has to rely on copying stuff from the screen shot above.
Searching-Unlike broadcast communications, two-way transmissions tend to be rather short. That means that if you search too big a frequency range, your chances of capturing a signal are quite poor. Experienced scannists recommend searching no more than 1 MHz at a time. While this can be time-consuming, your odds of finding that previously-unknown frequency go way up. So search, search, search!
• Search the military bands: 137-144 & 148-150.8 MHz. DoD radios have been loaned to local agencies for events such as this in the past. They've even set up local repeaters.
• Search 30-88 MHz. National Guard reported to be providing some motorcade security. "...we're getting 500 State Troopers and 600 National Guardsmen along with assorted hardware to combat a worst-case scenario."
• Search 403-430 MHz. It's the fed UHF band. Also search 163-174MHz.
• Secret Service. "The security perimeter and overall event plan are under the auspices of the United States Secret Service, with support from a variety of federal, state and local partners, including the Chicago Police Department".
MT Fed Files: Secret Service Frequency List
• United States Coast Guard. They'll be enforcing the security zone on US Navigable Waterways.
United States Coast Guard - The RadioReference Wiki
• Marine VHF Channels. Pay particular attention to 156.8 and 157.1MHz.
Marine VHF Channels - The RadioReference Wiki
• Aviation "Guard" channels; 121.5 & 243.0, plus 123.025 & 123.45.
• Federal Agencies. Department of State. "Federal Protective Services is in charge of securing their buildings, some of which are on or nearby the anticipated routes of permitted events such as parades and protests that will take place during the summit."
Federal Agencies Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
• StarCom21
• CPD Tactical Trunked Radio System
• CITY OF CHICAGO. Pay particular attnetion to CPD Zones 4 & 5, Citywide channels, CTA supervisors & Rail control, CFD EMS (both old and new) and CFD VHF.
Cook County, Illinois (IL) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
• Chicago O’Hare Airport. AM aviation & trunked systems.
• MilAir. Listen for a possible CAP.
• Mutual Aid. ISPERN, IFERN, I-Tac, V-Tac & U-Tac, as well as Homeland Defense, Federal Aid and Terrorism Response.
• State of Illinois. Pay particular attention to IDOT channels. They're going to want to keep those roads clear for motorcades, etc.
• Gary/Chicago International Airport
AirNav: KGYY - Gary/Chicago International Airport
• Cook County. Cook County InterOp System.
• RadioMan911. Live Fire/Emergency Radio From Chicago & 36 Neighboring Counties.
Radioman911 on
Hancockfeed on (John Hancock Center Remote Fire Radio Feed)
• Chicago Area Media Frequencies
Chicago Area Media Frequencies
• MCCORMICK PLACE HOTEL: 451.4000, 451.6000, 452.2000, 452.4500, 452.9750, 456.4000, 462.9250 (reported, not confirmed)
• McCormick Place Security & Fire Safety 453.8500 (114.8). Security - Convention Center 464.9500 (D 261)
Attractions Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
• FEMA/OPERATION SECURE (State Emergency Capability Using Radio Effectively) NATIONWIDE HF NETS
Mutual Aid/Common Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
• SHared RESources High Frequency Radio Program (SHARES)
NCS | SHared RESources High Frequency Radio Program (SHARES)
Now, interestingly enough, if you want REAL TIME live streaming coverage of the NATO event that will not be seen on main stream media, go to Livestream and look up OccupyChi, OccupyChicago, and other occupy / NATO related Chicago live feeds. UStream is also a great source to match what you hear with some live video footage. Again, you will need to do a keyword search.
TWITTER is your friend when it comes to looking for tweets about who is live streaming what, and other tidbits that will always be helpful to radio monitors. (vague hint is left vague for good reason)
Remember that the Chicago Fire Department is now on the P25 SINGLE REPEATED NON-TRUNKED frequencies, so when programming not program as a trunked system. If you don't have a P25 radio, go to RadioReference and listen to the live audio feed for CFD.
Don't place any bets on the digital P25 systems being in the clear unless someone makes a mistake on their rig. HSI (Homeland Security Investigations) are using VHF and might be P25 as well. Monitoring the analog fed freqs might be a possibility for basic, but, telling communications.
Good places to listen to amateur radio traffic where NATO comms might be discussed is the WA9ORC repeater, 146.760 with a PL of 107.2, SARA 146.880 PL 107.2, and NS9RC 442.725 PL 114.8, as well as 442.975 PL 114.8 for any amateur radio emergency communications that might be called up if needed. Amateur Radio simplex frequencies could be active in certain areas of the city, so listen there as well.
Train communications enthusiasts can monitor NATO comms on 161.355 (South Shore Line) 161.340 (Rock Island), 160.920 (Metra Heritage), 160.680 (PBX), 161.205 (Metra Police), and 160.305 (Amtrak) these are the lines most affected by NATO.
Monitoring the Citizens Band frequencies won't be a bad idea, especially CB Channel 18 - 27.185 MHz in AM mode.
NATO Choppers were observed patrolling the Chicago lakefront on 5/16/2012. This brings us to the idea of monitoring not just the freqs mentioned above, but also the Chicago Department of Aviation emergency link on 158.760Mhz.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is using VHF communications that might possibly be P25, or analog or a mix.
Chicago Police frequencies to monitor that have been listed as future use for quite some time now: 460.03750 (Tact), 460.58750 (Mounted), 460.51250 (Zone 14), 460.43750 (Zone 15), 460.38750 (Zone 16), 460.23750 (Area Wide 1), 460.46250 (Area Wide 2), 460.26250 (Area Wide 3), 460.41250 (Area Wide 4), and 460.21250 (Area Wide 5)
SEE THIS for FCC listing and other information.
Audio: Chicago CB Operators on Channel 18 talk about NATO. (NSFW for foul language and violence)
20 May 2012 coverage:
0847UTC CPD needs an emergency arrest team at Van Buren and Wabash
0150UTC MASS Tweets coming in with speculation saying that at least one protester has died as a result of alleged police brutality. This report is not confirmed, and Shortwave America will be working to confirm the veracity of the rumor of a protester death. At 0200UTC it is found that NO DEATH HAS OCCURRED.
0156UTC OccupyChicago is saying that President Obama is at the Chicago Art Institute. OccupyChicago says "we want to talk to him".Shortwave America confirms that Obama DID arrive in Chicago last night. (May 19th 2012)
0204UTC ABC7 Chicago reports via twitter: "45 people arrested so far today and four officers suffered injuries. #NATO"
0205UTC CPD says all the bridges have HEAVY Police coverage.
0205UTC Platoon 9 is at Monroe and Michigan, Platoon 11 is at State and Lake with Platoon 4
0208UTC Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that CPD Superintendent McCarthy has released the following information: 4 Chicago Police Officers have been taken to area hospitals, one of them was stabbed in the leg.
0212UTC WBBM - AM Radio reporting new information: "Protesters from @OccupyChicago are staging a sit-in on Michigan Avenue in front of Art Institute where Michelle Obama is holding reception."
0235UTC Fake twitter account @FCCAlert telling me the practice of radio jounalism constitutes violation of U.S. Communications Act. Told faker "If you would kindly fuck off -----> over there, that would be great" LOLOLOL All reporting here is legitimate journalism protected by public records act and 1st amendment. Police and all other public safety radio that is not encrypted can be reported on, especially in such a time as a major political event.
Screenshot of the Jaggoff's Twitter account:

0241UTC ABC7 Chicago Twitter Report: "Supt. McCarthy is at the Art Institute #NATO protest. Protesters sitting in the street. Cops in riot gear."
Here's a funny statement for everyone: "A #NATO protester fishes for policemen on Jackson Blvd. prior to march to McCormick Place"
Heard on MURS Channel 4 (154.570): Middle Eastern language male subject saying "Allahu Akbar" followed by other middle eastern language speaking by said subject. The transmission lasted all of 15.9 seconds. (5/17/2012) 0931UTC
Chicago Police Zone 4 at 0939UTC 5/17/2012: Operations Command says a subject is selling a large amount of Cannabis. Location and subject description omitted for safety reasons.
MURS Channel 4 (154.570) 10:00UTC 5/17/12 the middle eastern male is back on frequency in his foreign language (possibly Arabic) singing. This was followed by a Muslim religious message in English. This is NOT a recorded event, but is being held live somewhere.
Here we go!!! The appointed time and day is here for the REAL information to start coming out. The May 18th LIVE NATO Communications Coverage starts now! The daytime radio traffic will pick up probably around 7AM, but monitoring overnight as much as possible for any possible relevant traffic.
0741UTC CTA Police 472.9375 has active traffic, but appears as if it's encrypted.
1017UTC 406.700 active, but encrypted (possibly Secret Service)
1300UTC The area of 100 E. Grand is possibly being shut down due to an unattended suitcase.
1303UTC Assist the Police Officer call going on at 203 N. Lasalle
1344 UTC Chicago Police discover two large tree trunks and a load of bricks at the Chicago Museum Campus that show evidence of having been dragged there by protesters for violent intent. Chicago Park District Personnel are on the way to remove them.
1410UTC Chicago Police 1st District has many cars "down" on jobs and can't find a car to take a job. Looks like a backlog or a rap is about to start.
1412UTC The war on photography is starting up now! CPD 1st District just dispatched to Lake Shore Drive and Monroe for a car that just turned South from North LSD and the city wants them to stop taking photos.
1415UTC 18th District Bike Team just called by 1800A to meet at Broadway and Oakdale. They will meet with the 19th District Bike Team.
1417UTC Now a call to Madison and Lasalle for a square item covered by paper. Unattended box covered by paper per a CTA Supervisor.
1427UTC CPD 1st District says a green postal box not bolted to the ground that has never been there before has just been discovered, and postal police are on stand-by.
1435UTC 32 N. Dearborn has an unsecured mailboxes are dropping out of the air!! Everyone is on their way.
1437UTC 125 E. Monroe has a subject recording information about employees salaries and so on. Bomb dog has sniffed him down, CPD to be escorted into the building.
Just a special note to all of you following this...if things get too busy, I'll have to abandon this whole effort. There is one of me and no one to help out. If people want to make submissions, corrections, updates, etc. in the comments section, please do.
1457UTC State and Rsndolph, this is another mailbox that has appeared out of nowhere and has been painted black. All the manpower is heading there now since that is Marchall Field's (now Macy's).
Zone 4: "Does anyone know the address to the Korean Embassy"? "Yeah, squad, North Korea!" I'm ROFLMAO!!
1505UTC 9210 just came up and says there is a stranded motorist on a motorbike on Lake Shore Drive at the Southeast corner of the Buckingham Fountain. Motorist ran out of gas, and he wants the surveillance camera to watch motorist for safety reasons.
1505UTC protesters showing up EN MASSE for today's rallies starting with the Nurse's rally and 024th District is freaking out. They are at Lake Shore Drive and Breyer.
1509UTC ****HAZMAT CALL*** Michigan and Randolph - there is an 07 Dodge van and explosive dogs are picking up explosives in the van. ALL TRAFFIC BLOCKED!!! 1517UTC UPDATE - The van in this incident has a Secret Service placard in the window. Secret Service being talked to. Traffic will re-open soon if not already opened.
1545UTC ON Wacker between Michigan and Wabash, the Nurse's rally is staging with 500 or more people, marching now.
1546UTC Chicago Police stating that 75 or more people are at Jackson and Lasalle, they now confirm that there are 1000 or more in the Nurse's march.
Chicago Police are now using profiling per the following report: 430 South Racine, 4 people wearing hoodies and backpacks with faces covered boarded a train towards downtown. CTA may have called it in.
1553UTC ***LIVESTREAM LINK*** from Jackson and Lasalle with Occupie Chicago "Pie Chi"
1612UTC ***Livestream Link*** From the Nurse's Rally. (Timcast TV at UStream) be warned that this stream cuts in and out.
1628UTC 1st District on their way to Madison and Michigan to tell a small group of protesters that they can't have a sign in public that says "Thank You For The Arab Spring" UMM, HELLO? We have a first amendment, CPD!! You are absolutely disgusting!
1643UTC ALL 1st District Units switching over to "Metro 2", position B9 on the radio. Someone needs to find out what frequency this is.
NATO Communications Command activity seems to have slowed down significantly, so coverage here will temporarily discontinue. Shortwave America will return later with more.
LIVE FROM CHOPPER 7 NATO Protesters Take Over Downown Chicago
Occupy Protesters and those in solidarity with them have taken over the entire Chicago downtown area. A huge fight broke out on the Michigan Avenue Bridge, and police then kettled protesters. One protester has been charged with Battery to a Chicago Police Sgt.
2003UTC Homeland Security Command just ORDERED Jackson and Dearbron and also Madison and State Streets closed.
2005UTC Chicago Police are now running out of batteries for the Motorola portable radios. They are running as fast as possible to get new batteries out.
2013UTC The name of the Police Official allegedly injured / battered is LT. Jack Ryan of the 007th District
19 May 2012 - 2340UTC - Just started monitoring and am hearing tons of police profiling based on political and social class. Police heard calling the entire protest movement "anarchists". WTF ever happened to allowing people to use their 1st amendment rights without labeling them? The protests so far have not become violent.\
2351 UTC Metro 2 frequency saying water bottles being thrown at police, police stopping the march at the Kinzie Bridge. Lake and Jefferson has people dressed in "all black" and police continue using profiling based on the dress of the protesters.
2359UTC - Police now calling for more units at the Kinzie Bridge.
2359UTC - Randolph and Desplaines is being closed off
2359UTC - police riot units now suiting up
0002UTC - March is saying new destination is 1831 S. Racine
0004UTC - Twitter accounts saying police have protesters kettled and 3 of 4 avenues closed and blocked. Now Southbound on Milwaukee from Fulton.
0007UTC - protest march is now nearing the Boeing building
0011UTC - Police just made the decision to let the protest march go where it may
0015UTC - @YourAnonNews just said Chicago Blogger and live streamer Timcast was raided at his apartment for covering the NATO Protest
0016UTC - @jackhartmann Twitter confirms raid on Timcast
20 May 2012 coverage:
1947UTC This day starts with witness accounts alleging police brutality of a protester beaten for speaking what were merely harsh words, and even if the words / statements were derogatory, they are likely to be covered by 1st amendment protections. Waiting for an official statement from Chicago Police before attempting to detail the incident here.
Shortwave America thanks WB9HOK and the Chicago Radio Engineers at your support means the world!
1951UTC several CPD platoons are shutting down streets crossing Michigan Avenue starting with some of the numbered streets that were given out to fast to copy. Closures end at Cullerton and Michigan.
1955UTC Southbound on Michigan passing 11th
Cars approaching Michigan and Harrison
2001UTC Chicago Police spotted Black Bloc at 11th and Michigan
2004UTC trying to determine just how many platoons there are and platoon number assignments. NOT gonna be easy.
2006UTC CPD Platoon 9 is parallel on Wabash. Two vans each will peel off in succession to Michigan
2006UTC one platoon now asking for help at 13th and Michigan platoon 20 and platoon 8 going.
2009UTC CPD says the line broke at 13th and Michigan, CPD trying to slow down the march at the front
2011UTC CPD reporting problems at 15th and Michigan
2017UTC OccupyChicago reports the following from their twitter: "A fishing pole with a donut used as bait dangling in front of officers has been spotted in the crowd"
2021UTC CPD reporting position as Wabash and Roosevelt
2026UTC Twitter report just came in stating the following: "#CPD in full on riot gear are now replacing bike cops. Waves showing up. Have pepperspray and tazers. #NoNATO"
2028UTC CPD reports passing 18th street
2031UTC CPD says they are approaching Cullerton on Michigan and the whole march spans 4 blocks with lead car now at Cullerton
2034UTC Democracy Now twitter reports the following: "March led by Afghan women, US veterans, mother of army suicide victim. Vets will return war medals to NATO generals"
2035UTC CPD and Homeland Command say they have Black Bloc members on video. Members participating in Black Bloc may be wise to keep faces covered and possibly expect attempts for feds to talk to you.
2038UTC CPD platoon 3 going to Cermak and State
2047UTC Platoon 8 told to go to Clark and Cermak
2047UTC other platoons told to go to some previously arranged and secret meeting place
2051UTC CPD Zone 4 to handle some undisclosed incident with EMS and CPD
2054UTC EMS needed at a location given too fast to copy for a woman down somewhere near there is supposed to be Papa Johns
2055UTC CPD cooling buses are at 21st Street.
2058UTC, does anyone know what frequency Metro 1 is on?
2100UTC Gang team just told to parallel the Black Bloc on BOTH SIDES, units to gather at Cermak and Clark on the North sidewalk to meet 1st District Commander Christopher Kennedy, and unit 8160 told to go to Cermak and Federal
2106UTC Platoon 8 told to get out of their bus and work with Illinois State Police on Cermak facing EAST, no cross street given
2108UTC Twitter user OccupieChicago states going home to get some items only to observe the sensors on alarm system were broken off. Possible police raid?
2115UTC Twitter report "Riot police moving in, currently in cellular dead zone #nato #nonato"
2120UTC Twitter report: URGENT CHI: CPD enroute to 2206 Indiana for protesters climbing wall. #ochi #nonato (live at
2129UTC Twitter Report: "I've seen multiple cops in riot gear without badge numbers. hiding ids so they can beat? it's a peaceful protest. #noNATO"
2130UTC CPD looking for a male with just the eyes cut out in his face cover and ink all over his hand, wearing a black hat. They want him in custody for some reason.
2134UTC Twitter report: "#NATO front lines. Close as we can get to the summit. 7 rows of riot cops deep. barricades.#NoNATO @OccupyChicago"
2135UTC Twitter report: "@OccupyChicago bike cops suiting up and sound cannon spotted at s wabash and east 18th"
2137UTC 2120 S. Michigan has an arrest of the person described from 2130UTC. One police officer stated on the air that the person doesn't match the description given, but he's arrested anyway.
2142UTC CPD specifically targeting Black Bloc saying they have specific intel coming in and it will be released soon
2144UTC TWITTER REPORT URGENT " Beware of yellow stickers w Black balloons. Undercover CPD put them on peoples backs 2 be picked up later. (live at"
2145UTC live TWITTER report says CPD Intel might be fabricated
2148UTC CPD at Indiana and Cermak saying they have helmets only but no full riot gear
2148 CPD issues instructions to remove police without full gear and replace them with full gear officers at the Secret Service fence line by the stage near mounted unit
2150UTC OccupyChicago twitter reports this: "March seems to be splitting up. Most people still here at Michigan and Cermak, but another group is headed west on Cermak"
2156UTC from OccupyChicago Twitter "CPD saying they are on camera and to pull em all out and lock em all up" also, CPD saying they are all on camera and to "grab em and pull em through, lock em all up"
2204UTC Twitter reports: "Multiple injuries as protesters clash with riot police. Our reporters are seeing bleeding heads, missing teeth #nonato #cpd @OccupyChicago" and "Cops were seen changing from their uniforms into civilian clothing carrying bricks pretending 2b protesters. #corrupt #NATO" Police say people can exit to the west.
2208UTC Twitter report: "LRAD just passed 18th Street and Indiana heading to location #noNato #LRAD"
2209UTC YourAnonNews twitter reporting this bit of information: "Reports that police have declared unlawful assembly in Chicago #NATO protest | (via @AnonyOps) #NoNATO"
2210UTC OccupyChicago Twitter says "We need more medics. Setting up treatment station in an alley on Cermack west of Michigan"
2219UTC CPD states they saw a protester with a gas mask opening some sort of canister, they have an injured officer with no location given and processing team is at Cermak and Wabash. Officers saying that location is too far to walk with arrestees.
2225UTC The officer with head injury is in hands of the medics Officer is safe.
2227UTC CPD just admitted on air that protesters were able to take a radio from a copper
2228UTC CPD giving multiple reports of people down in various locations, too many locations to give at this time.
The 2225UTC report is now updated to read that two injured officers are in a CFD #77 Ambulance from Strike Team.
2233UTC unconfirmed reports coming in from twitter saying people are hearing CPD comms relating to explosive bike frames, and police trying to get media away from the area.
2237UTC Twitter report says "ABC camera man in midst of police mob mouths "help". Get out while you can. #noNATO"
2240UTC CPD gets a 911 call from an anonymous person stating a male black with all black clothing is at Cullerton and Michigan with a machine gun. SWAT looked around and saw nothing from the air. This call is now a 19P or what we call 19bullshit.
2248UTC CPD thinks an explosive item was thrown in a garbage can west alley of Michigan and Wabash. Bomb dog enroute
2254UTC CPD says intel has come in saying some members of Black Bloc are trying to find a way to get behind them to take their flank
2256UTC Positive note about CPD....they keep giving orders to stay inside their training guidelines and stick with their training
2257UTC Police intelligence says Black Bloc number 50 is trying to reconverge at 17th and State
2258UTC Commander Christopher Kennedy just gave orders for 160 to go to the 1st district station to perform station security
2259UTC 6700 wants to know if anyone is going to 001 for station security
2300UTC Police units stepping all over each other on Metro2
2300UTC 21st and Michigan on the East side needs officers and CFD Ambo#77 going to Cermak and Michigan
2304UTC Twitter report: "+20 activists in triage right now suffering from head wounds. #nonato #blackbloc...more lrad warnings also" and Homeland Command advised that Zone 6 (districts 007 and 008) sending reinforcements in. Some traffic on Metro 2 becoming encrypted.
2307UTC Twitter report: "Protester just told me his sister works at hospital and was alerted to set up stations to treat gassed patients #noNATO"
2308UTC Twitter report: "march is kettled,police storming through, don't know if let us leave. they have given their "final order". #noNATO @OccupyChicago"
2309UTC OccupyChicago Twitter report: "A medic in the ranks is treating a MASSIVE gash across this mans forehead. He was attacked from behind by #CPD. #M20"
2311UTC Platoon 6 told to go to 001 with three teams and park there
2314UTC CPD needs head injury care for a civilian at 21st and Michigan CFD enroute
2330UTC Twitter report from Phinkasaurus: "I'm out of the march, safe but upset at the reality of police repression against people exercising their 1st amendment rights. #policestate"
2335UTC 1330 CPD said something about protesters fighting with UC Officers on Wabash. Then a comment was said "remember the code word, remember, they have one of our radios." Now they are complaining that someone on the street has a "scanner" as if having a scanner is a crime.
2346 Radio traffic has been slowing down over the last hour or so, just repeated calls for EMS and extra police units at different spots. CPD looking for extra platoons and other personnel. Mostly just spots on South Michigan Ave.
2350UTC ILEAS just called out to 24th place and Michigan
0000UTC Twitter report: "Police vehicles cutting off Mich from the south. Pretty much nowhere to go. #noNATO"
0001UTC Twitter report from @brethamilton: "Got off the train to find 6 CPD surrounding a protestor and searching him without consent."
0002UTC US Secret Service has 2 in custody for breaching the fence, then CPD changes the story and says USSS says they are still enroute to the location. CPD now confirming USSS DOES have 2 in custody.
0005UTC CPD Water locations: 1910 S. Calumet, 001st district or block 37 at State and Washington
0020UTC CPD reporting 18th and Wabash are multiple protesters with strong odor of Gasoline
0021UTC The Chicago Police RD#HV-295446 and Event#10656 is for ALL arrests at NATO Protests today.
0033UTC Twitter reports are coming in confirming that the Illinois National Guard is on Stand-By in Chicago. One speculated location is Jackson and Lasalle.
0115UTC Chicago Police on Metro 2 reporting QRM on their input frequency
0136UTC Chicago Police are concerned about the Art Institute. The protest keeps moving all over the place and police are moving parallel to them as they did yesterday. Various police movements have become too much to keep up with at this point.
0138UTC Police calling for help at Van Buren and trying to keep the protest in a certain direction. Sounds like they don't want these people going east, they want them South or West. Police are concerned that if they let them go east they will "lose it".
0150UTC MASS Tweets coming in with speculation saying that at least one protester has died as a result of alleged police brutality. This report is not confirmed, and Shortwave America will be working to confirm the veracity of the rumor of a protester death. At 0200UTC it is found that NO DEATH HAS OCCURRED.
0156UTC OccupyChicago is saying that President Obama is at the Chicago Art Institute. OccupyChicago says "we want to talk to him".Shortwave America confirms that Obama DID arrive in Chicago last night. (May 19th 2012)
0204UTC ABC7 Chicago reports via twitter: "45 people arrested so far today and four officers suffered injuries. #NATO"
0205UTC CPD says all the bridges have HEAVY Police coverage.
0205UTC Platoon 9 is at Monroe and Michigan, Platoon 11 is at State and Lake with Platoon 4
0208UTC Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that CPD Superintendent McCarthy has released the following information: 4 Chicago Police Officers have been taken to area hospitals, one of them was stabbed in the leg.
0212UTC WBBM - AM Radio reporting new information: "Protesters from @OccupyChicago are staging a sit-in on Michigan Avenue in front of Art Institute where Michelle Obama is holding reception."
0235UTC Fake twitter account @FCCAlert telling me the practice of radio jounalism constitutes violation of U.S. Communications Act. Told faker "If you would kindly fuck off -----> over there, that would be great" LOLOLOL All reporting here is legitimate journalism protected by public records act and 1st amendment. Police and all other public safety radio that is not encrypted can be reported on, especially in such a time as a major political event.
Screenshot of the Jaggoff's Twitter account:
0241UTC ABC7 Chicago Twitter Report: "Supt. McCarthy is at the Art Institute #NATO protest. Protesters sitting in the street. Cops in riot gear."
Here's a funny statement for everyone: "A #NATO protester fishes for policemen on Jackson Blvd. prior to march to McCormick Place"
0256UTC Platoons on Lake Shore Drive and S Side of Art Institute told to hold their line.
0257UTC Occupy Chicago Medics stating they need water at the Art Institute, STAT
Given the weather conditions at this time and the slow down in activity, there are no foreseen events that would be of any worth reporting. This means that today's coverage is over. If anything newsworthy happens, you'll see it here at Shortwave America.
0257UTC Occupy Chicago Medics stating they need water at the Art Institute, STAT
Given the weather conditions at this time and the slow down in activity, there are no foreseen events that would be of any worth reporting. This means that today's coverage is over. If anything newsworthy happens, you'll see it here at Shortwave America.
May 21st 2012 NATO Communications and Command Coverage
Much of this coverage is going to come from Metro2 (B9)
1822UTC Homeland Command and CPD are concerned about an old guy with a colostomy bag at 201 N. Stetson. Why is this a threat?
Platoon 11 going to Wacker and Columbus on re-deployment orders. SW Corner of Randolph and Michigan is a water truck they say.
1827UTC 6 males and 2 females are being stopped for being Black Bloc members with backpacks..(can we say profiling?)
1828UTC Northbound Michigan from Washington
1839UTC Homeland Command says to let the groups break up or let them disperse, but they are going to hold the bridges, CPD is complaining about people with masks somewhere in State St. (OOH!! Masks are real scary!!) Eyes rolling
NOTE: CPD Dispatch is working with Homan Command and Homeland Command
1842UTC CPD is worried about Eastbound lanes of Randolph near the Prudential Bldg. there is a M/W Black Shorts, Black Shirt, Black Backpack with jars of liquid. 1846UTC this male was stopped and it was just water in his jars.
1843UTC CPD Metro2 (B9) getting QRM BIG TIME!!! (A protester grabbed a CPD radio yesterday) not sure if this is that person or an officer with an open key.
1847UTC Michigan Avenue being opened, but just temporarily and it could get shut down at a moment's notice.
Note: 1902UTC After this weekend, I think I have these "platoons" all figured out. CPD just put a certain number of officers together in these vans and they have no real focus other than just going where they're needed. They have no apparent plan of action and seem to act as nothing more than rapid response mobile strike teams.
1905UTC CPD Command has stated that there are two planes being flown into the restricted area by the FBI, and the planes are NOT part of the event.
1906UTC NLG Attorneys will be at Michigan and Randolph soon for a press conference
1920UTC Homeland Command has someone on camera in the median somewhere spray painting a female's shirt. They said they aren't worried about him.
1920UTC Platoon 15 to relieve Platoon 1 so Platoon 1 can go to lunch
1923UTC Platoon 16 relieving Platoon 2 at Randolph and State for lunch
1925UTC Platoon 9 relieving Platoon 18, 18 going to lunch
1956UTC ALL incident response teams are going to East Randolph upper Columbus NOW
2004UTC These platoons are on the way to 400 E. Randolph: 4, 5, 13, 20, 11, 22, and 9 plus all Incident Response Teams
2013UTC Primary switched back to Metro1 due to heavy QRM on Metro2. Interfering radio must be many miles away, cause there's nothing on the input.
2019UTC CPD says a white female is in the crowd wearing surgical gloves handing out some sort of pills. They now know it was just candy. Hey, as long as she has enough for everyone, what's the beef? Some of these damn cops could use something to relax em!
2025UTC Communications and Command activities are dieing down right now. .
This concludes the coverage of NATO Summit Chicago 2012, and the related civic minded citizen responses. Overall, the numbers of violent anarchists were actually much lower than expected, and non-violent civic minded citizens outnumbered the violent folks. Chicago Police made more of a focus on Black Bloc than any other group. See this link to learn more about Black Bloc.Black Bloc members who become violent are not true Black Bloc. This NBC report details participants of Black Bloc who took things too far. Thanks to all of you who chose to make Shortwave America your home for up to the second NATO Chicago 2012 Communications and Command coverage!
Much of this coverage is going to come from Metro2 (B9)
1822UTC Homeland Command and CPD are concerned about an old guy with a colostomy bag at 201 N. Stetson. Why is this a threat?
Platoon 11 going to Wacker and Columbus on re-deployment orders. SW Corner of Randolph and Michigan is a water truck they say.
1827UTC 6 males and 2 females are being stopped for being Black Bloc members with backpacks..(can we say profiling?)
1828UTC Northbound Michigan from Washington
1839UTC Homeland Command says to let the groups break up or let them disperse, but they are going to hold the bridges, CPD is complaining about people with masks somewhere in State St. (OOH!! Masks are real scary!!) Eyes rolling
NOTE: CPD Dispatch is working with Homan Command and Homeland Command
1842UTC CPD is worried about Eastbound lanes of Randolph near the Prudential Bldg. there is a M/W Black Shorts, Black Shirt, Black Backpack with jars of liquid. 1846UTC this male was stopped and it was just water in his jars.
1843UTC CPD Metro2 (B9) getting QRM BIG TIME!!! (A protester grabbed a CPD radio yesterday) not sure if this is that person or an officer with an open key.
1847UTC Michigan Avenue being opened, but just temporarily and it could get shut down at a moment's notice.
Note: 1902UTC After this weekend, I think I have these "platoons" all figured out. CPD just put a certain number of officers together in these vans and they have no real focus other than just going where they're needed. They have no apparent plan of action and seem to act as nothing more than rapid response mobile strike teams.
1905UTC CPD Command has stated that there are two planes being flown into the restricted area by the FBI, and the planes are NOT part of the event.
1906UTC NLG Attorneys will be at Michigan and Randolph soon for a press conference
1920UTC Homeland Command has someone on camera in the median somewhere spray painting a female's shirt. They said they aren't worried about him.
1920UTC Platoon 15 to relieve Platoon 1 so Platoon 1 can go to lunch
1923UTC Platoon 16 relieving Platoon 2 at Randolph and State for lunch
1925UTC Platoon 9 relieving Platoon 18, 18 going to lunch
1956UTC ALL incident response teams are going to East Randolph upper Columbus NOW
2004UTC These platoons are on the way to 400 E. Randolph: 4, 5, 13, 20, 11, 22, and 9 plus all Incident Response Teams
2013UTC Primary switched back to Metro1 due to heavy QRM on Metro2. Interfering radio must be many miles away, cause there's nothing on the input.
2019UTC CPD says a white female is in the crowd wearing surgical gloves handing out some sort of pills. They now know it was just candy. Hey, as long as she has enough for everyone, what's the beef? Some of these damn cops could use something to relax em!
2025UTC Communications and Command activities are dieing down right now. .
This concludes the coverage of NATO Summit Chicago 2012, and the related civic minded citizen responses. Overall, the numbers of violent anarchists were actually much lower than expected, and non-violent civic minded citizens outnumbered the violent folks. Chicago Police made more of a focus on Black Bloc than any other group. See this link to learn more about Black Bloc.Black Bloc members who become violent are not true Black Bloc. This NBC report details participants of Black Bloc who took things too far. Thanks to all of you who chose to make Shortwave America your home for up to the second NATO Chicago 2012 Communications and Command coverage!
1 comment:
Metro 2 is 453.750 or 453.950 both have 156.7ct
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