Thursday, August 26, 2010

Radio Hamseda

Shabnam Assadolahi is a human rights advocate who uses her show, Hamseda, to highlight violations of human rights in order to bring these acts to public knowledge in an effort to pressure the Iranian government to stop it's tortuous acts. Hamseda 
( means a United voice) Persian show is only two hours Live on Sundays from Ottawa on 97.9 FM ( and from

You can hear this show live if you are in a local receiving area or by going to the site and downloading from the archives. English translation is provided by a translation assistant.

Shabnam has a Facebook page where she posts news about the show, and keeps other updates for listeners. As of right now, there is no shortwave availability. SWA is going to try to change that by working with Shabnam and her show supporters to help find a station that is interested in carrying the show beyond the local Canadian FM dial.